Leadership Books
Woohoo! Who's on a roll? 2 posts in one sitting? Wow!
Haha, since I'm already in the writing mode, I'd like to share the books recommended er, required in our Spartan coaches' team. The thing with required readings is that it saves you time of knowing what's a good read and it caters to specific concerns. #geekstuff Ah, I've truly changed (or grown.) From the person who wants to be different to a compliant follower.Yeah it took a looong time and I'm just grateful to be in this space of learning and unlearning.
Starting off with the first of three! Here's the hunky Joel Osteen gracing my blog. I'm now on my nth round of this book, I Declare: 31 Promises to Speak over your Life. It's not something that you finish in one sitting. Perfect for the busiest of the busy. It sets my day to be great. That's it. And I like that it requires participation. It's a declaration so it has to be heard out there. It's not something that you keep inside. I don't know 'bout you but I'm a firm believer of the Law of Attraction. As he said, he hoped to bless our days, one day at a time and I'm privileged to be one of those people who experience this "blessing" just by declaring these promises every morning.

Second and third are John Maxwell's Leadership Gold and Go for Gold. These are 2 books designed to work together. Ahh, marketing genius. That aside, it works! Leadership Gold provides a main topic for the week and Go for Gold provides nuggets of wisdom related to the topic for the week. I could relate more to some of the topics while not so much with the others. And that's the beauty of these books. It gives you a preview of what's in store for you as a growing leader and you know that it's got you covered when that time comes. It's amazing knowing that I could always go back to the other chapters when my responsibilities and concerns have matured as well.
How about you, are you using a small portion of your time for books that make you a better leader?
Haha, since I'm already in the writing mode, I'd like to share the books recommended er, required in our Spartan coaches' team. The thing with required readings is that it saves you time of knowing what's a good read and it caters to specific concerns. #geekstuff Ah, I've truly changed (or grown.) From the person who wants to be different to a compliant follower.Yeah it took a looong time and I'm just grateful to be in this space of learning and unlearning.

Second and third are John Maxwell's Leadership Gold and Go for Gold. These are 2 books designed to work together. Ahh, marketing genius. That aside, it works! Leadership Gold provides a main topic for the week and Go for Gold provides nuggets of wisdom related to the topic for the week. I could relate more to some of the topics while not so much with the others. And that's the beauty of these books. It gives you a preview of what's in store for you as a growing leader and you know that it's got you covered when that time comes. It's amazing knowing that I could always go back to the other chapters when my responsibilities and concerns have matured as well.
How about you, are you using a small portion of your time for books that make you a better leader?
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