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How I Lost 30 pounds: My Spartan Transformation Experience

My primary reason for enrolling in the Spartan Transformation Program was business but then I realized, who am I kidding? Wouldn't it be great to bring back the "glory days" when I could wear nice-fitting clothes and have the energy of a college student? I also thought that it would be exciting to conceive again with a healthier body so the next step was to get me that package. Initial Doubts 1. We didn't have the extra money for the package. 2. Will this work for ME?? The Kristine who loves to eat sweets and refined carbs + drink Kopiko with them each time?  No one really saves up for weight loss. Aminin, we always have that thinking that somehow, we can get away with leading an unhealthy lifestyle AND somehow lose weight when the time is right. So we work hard, "reward" ourselves with what we earn on unhealthy habits then when sickness happens, we use our hard-earned money to get better, only to return to our old ways. So for me, it was mo...

We Survived our First Year as Homeschoolers!

We survived our first year as a homeschooling family, woohoo! Before we took the plunge last July 2017, I remember following the advice of homeschooling mom Donna Pangilinan-Simpao, as written in her blog and I quote item # 1, 1. The first thing Iā€™d like for you to do is to create a solid foundation for your homeschooling. Create a Mission ā€“ Vision ā€“ Purpose for your homeschooling journey. Take time to draft this with your spouse/ partner and children. Roy was hesistant at first because we were clear naman daw but still, I persisted and now, he got surprised that we have a mission-vision. šŸ˜‚ Anyway, here's what we drafted last July 14, Mission: That as Isay grows through life, she understands that the knowledge and wisdom she seeks can be found through curiosity, persistence and working with others. Vision: That she becomes a self-directed learner. To launch an individual who is interdependent and can be self-sustaining. We have yet to update this after learn...

Video: Mud Mask!

I'm back!  So excited to have learned a new skill this week. :) It's my first time to make a video and in my humble opinion, the amateur feel of it is so refreshing. hehe. Looking forward to making more and eventually create videos of Isay and the rest of the family.  It would be nice to get rid of those dead skin cells and feel refreshed in this extreme summer heat! So today, I'm featuring the Epoch Glacial Marine Mud sachets which I got for free months ago.  Not exactly a new product, the EGMM comes in a full-size 200 mL tube. These 5 mL sachets are on trial packaging so if you want to try it, I'm giving away sachets to 2 lucky readers. Just leave a comment below and I'll see how these online raffles work. šŸ˜‚ *you're welcome* Here are the products that I used: 1. Pure Cleansing Gel 2. Epoch Glacial Marine Mud 3. ph balanced Mattefying Toner

It's Fun Being a Girl!

It's always a treat, oftentimes indulgent, to wear a red lippie in broad daylight. Nakaka- conscious if you know what I mean. People look at you with inquiring eyes, " San ang lakad 'te? " :D And that thought in your head, has it smeared? Did some go to my teeth? But oh well, it's fun being a girl!

When I Grow Up, I Want to be Young

Hooray for reaching 31 years! Birthdays really wouldn't mean anything if we know that we can live forever. These celebrations simply remind us to stay grounded and to spend time with the people who matter most to us because time on this earth, like everything else, has a deadline. Cheers to living younger for longer and with a purpose.

Kilay Powers

Taking a quick break from all the Spartan Transformation excitement and be kikay for a few minutes. Do you need a simple trick to look polished and different without looking too made up? Define your brows! Discovering what works for you is a process and there are hundreds of tutorials on YouTube for the how-tos. There are also hundreds of products - from pencils to liquids, powder to mascara and my favorite beauty bloggers are constantly on the look-out for great finds. So, google away! ^_^ Would just love to document here how it transforms me and somehow makes me feel more confident and ok-looking in photos. haha.  L-R: Daylight, Zero Makeup, Yellow (Coffeeshop) Lighting  Big difference, in my opinion. :)


4 years and 5 months. Hay, the inevitable has happened and so far, we're moving on. Hindi na nga lang ganun kabilis ma-wipe out ang labada. haha! Amymy had to return home to be full-time lola to her second apo.We're excited to have her back in the future! <3 

My Husband's Spartan Transformation

It's one thing to experience my own success and another thing to have my loved ones experience it as well. 3 months just seemed to fly by and here I am now sharing the success of my husband! *loud applause* I'm grateful to him for allowing me to enroll him in the program. Just like me before starting, he didn't see the urgency of enrolling because he could still get away with being overweight. No particular illness yet except for the pain in his feet and general discomfort when walking long distances. Now, he feels so much younger and looking much younger too! Here are his official 90-day success photos. :) Without exercise and starving, he achieved the following milestones: > total weight loss: 24.4 lbs > body fat loss: 11.7 lbs > body age: 7 years younger > killer visceral fat: 4 levels down > total of 5.5 INCHES trimmed from waist-hip measurements Amazing right? I'm so grateful to the whole Spartan Transformation family for cont...