Dropping by to Say Hello

Wow, my last post was Valentine's day? tsk tsk. I guess it's an indication that so much has been happening in my life. I'm currently enjoying bigger responsibilities in the Spartan Transformation team and seeing more and more lives change for the better because of what we do. Say hello as well to the countdown timer on my sidebar. What's up with the remaining 72 days? Something HUGE is gonna happen and I couldn't be more excited to be part of it. The hashtag #createhistory couldn't be more fitting. Aaaaah! Basta , it's really going to be exciting. Not really fond of science but biogenetics is now music to my ears. (*'▽'*)♪ No less than great news for both people who simply want to achieve their healthiest form and those looking into a huge and sustainable business partnership. Can't help smiling just writing about it. :) What's keeping you busy nowadays?