My First Leather Purchase

Ooooh, what a mature post title. Haha! I wasn't really set on buying a wallet because I was ok with just using a pouch. Until I realized that it's taking me a lot of time going through the pouch before I find the card, cash, coin or old receipt that I need. Talk about efficiency concerns. My eyes were really set on purchasing my first leather bag but that would be part of another post. Let's just say that this is the delaying-gratification phase. :D Now back to the wallet. I could just purchase something cute or fazyon but then I remembered what happened to the last one I bought. Barely a year into use (and partida not so much abuse), and it looked like this.And so I thought why not go leather with my wallet as well? I never really understood why Roy would spend a thousand pesos for a belt when I bought mine for P50 in Greenhills. Now I truly appreciate its value and if you're not so particular on the brand, the cost is even cheaper than the leatherettes and Class ...