How I Lost 30 pounds: My Spartan Transformation Experience
My primary reason for enrolling in the Spartan Transformation Program was business but then I realized, who am I kidding? Wouldn't it be great to bring back the "glory days" when I could wear nice-fitting clothes and have the energy of a college student? I also thought that it would be exciting to conceive again with a healthier body so the next step was to get me that package. Initial Doubts 1. We didn't have the extra money for the package. 2. Will this work for ME?? The Kristine who loves to eat sweets and refined carbs + drink Kopiko with them each time? No one really saves up for weight loss. Aminin, we always have that thinking that somehow, we can get away with leading an unhealthy lifestyle AND somehow lose weight when the time is right. So we work hard, "reward" ourselves with what we earn on unhealthy habits then when sickness happens, we use our hard-earned money to get better, only to return to our old ways. So for me, it was mo...